Thursday, May 12, 2011

Preparing for take off!

    "It's always better to have too much, than not enough." That has always been my motto when packing for any occasion. I wish this could be my motto for this trip. I am limited to one small carry-on bag, very, very, small, and a book bag. I never know what to wear so I usually just bring multiple options. I am getting ready to travel to Costa Rica where I will visit the rain forest, the mountains, and the beach. I am bringing options, but they are extremely limited. 

     I have been so busy with work and school this semester I have not had much time to think about my trip. Other than pictures and blogs from past trips, I'm not sure what to expect. I am going into this experience with an open mind and a positive attitude. 

     I am looking forward to meeting my host families and seeing how people in Costa Rica live. My biggest fear is the language barrier. I know some Spanish, but I don't think it is enough to communicate effectively, yet! I am excited to visit the schools in Costa Rica. I am very interested in seeing how different things are. The wild life in Costa Rica is another area of concern. My dad recently sat me down to watch a documentary on Animal Planet, "Killer Crocodiles of Costa Rica." Hopefully this will not be an issue!

     I've never done anything like this before. It doesn't really seem real yet. It's hard to believe that tomorrow I will be boarding a plane to travel to another country. I will be away from my home, family, friends, and everything familiar for twenty four days. I will keep you updated with all of my upcoming adventures! :) 

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